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TO 1-1-700 (W/ CHANGE-4), TECHNICAL MANUAL: CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL, GROUND COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (C-E) (26-JUL-2013)., The purpose of this manual is to provide information on materials and procedures for the prevention and control and repair of corrosion damage to ground electronics equipment and associated structures, shelters, vans, and containers. Supervisory and maintenance personnel shall use this manual as an instruction for all corrosion control and maintenance efforts. Contractors who maintain and repair corrosion on ground electronics equipment and associated structures, shelters, vans, and containers shall also use this manual. Use this manual in conjunction with and in support of the system specific ground electronics equipment and/ or associated structure, shelter, van, or container technical orders (TOs) as well as general series TOs 1-1-8, 1-1-689, and 1-1-691. In case of a conflict between this manual and a system specific ground electronics equipment and/or associated structure, shelter, van, or container manual, the system specific manual shall take precedence over this manual. Paragraph 5 of this foreword lists related technical publications used by personnel involved in cleaning, corrosion prevention and control, and painting operations. The material in this manual provides basic cleaning, corrosion prevention and control, and corrective maintenance information for use by organizational, intermediate, and depot levels of maintenance. This manual consists of a foreword, a safety summary, and twelve chapters.

TO 1-1-700 Rev. CHG-4


CHG-407-20133.65 MB TO_1-1-700_CHG-4
CHG-203-20114.57 MB TO_1-1-700_CHG-2_2011
CHG-101-20073.69 MB TO_1-1-700_CHG-1_2009

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