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AFDD 2-8, AIR FORCE DOCTRINE DOCUMENT: COMMAND AND CONTROL (16 FEB 2001)., Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-8, Command and Control, was prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF). It establishes doctrinal guidance for organizing and employing air, space, and informational capabilities at the operational level of conflict across the full range of military operations to produce the desired effects regardless of where the platforms reside, fly, or orbit. This integration provides the synergy needed for decision dominance. It is the essence of our nation’s asymmetric advantage. Together, the keystone publications collectively form the foundation from which commanders plan and execute assigned aerospace missions. This AFDD applies to all Air Force military and civilian personnel (includes Air Force Reserve Command [AFRC] and Air National Guard [ANG] units and members). The doctrine in this document is authoritative but not directive. It provides guidance on how command and control is used to conduct aerospace operations in peace and war. Commanders should consider both the circumstances of the particular mission along with the contents of this doctrine document before making decisions. The US Air Force provides aerospace forces that are used across the full range of military operations at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels and across the spectrum of engagement. AFDD 2-8 discusses the principles and tenets of US Air Force command and control that are essential to planning and executing missions assigned by senior commanders. More detailed guidance can be found in Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) documents and US Air Force Instructions (AFIs).

AFDD 2-8 Rev. 2001


200102-2001644.52 KB AFDD_2-8_2001

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