NASA WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) REFERENCE GUIDE, PROGRAM/PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERIES (MAY 1994)., The work breakdown structure (WBS) is an effective tool in managing NASA programs
and projects. It assists both NASA and contractors in fulfilling management
responsibilities. In accordance with NASA Handbook 7120.5, Management of Major
System Programs and Projects, a WBS is mandatory for major system acquisitions and
major projects, and will be used for other projects when practical. A WBS is required
when performance measurement is applied to a contract.
The purpose of this WBS reference guide is to support the completion of program and
project objectives within budget and schedule constraints. This reference guide can be
used for various work efforts including research, development, construction, test and
evaluation, and operations. The products of these work efforts may be hardware,
software, data, or service elements (alone or in combination).