MIL-STD-1808C, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARD: SYSTEM SUBSYSTEM SUB-SUBSYSTEM NUMBERING (24-JAN-2014)., This standard sets forth requirements for the system, subsystem, and sub-subsystem numbering
requirements for engineering drawings, technical manuals, and other acquisition and logistics support
requirements for aircraft, missile and space systems, engines, and ground communication-electronic
equipment. Additionally, it may be used for supportability analysis, configuration management, maintenance
data collection, or wherever a consistent maintainability related reference numbering requirement exists
across a weapon system. This standard will be used by all Air Force acquiring activities and their
respective contractors during the development and acquisition of weapon systems and equipment.
In order to provide standardization between publications a standardized numbering system has been developed. It is was designed with sufficient flexibility to permit expansion and application outside the technical manual system to support logistics elements that interact with or directly influence equipment maintenance and technical manual development and use.
To ensure maximum flexibility, gaps have been left in the system and subsystem numbering sequences. Manufacturers are encouraged to use the unassigned systems and subsystems to accommodate unique design or emerging technologies when required, as approved by the procuring activity and current acquisition policy. As a minimum, this standard is intended to be used in conjunction with MIL-DTL-83495 and MIL-HDBK-863. Additional applications are available as defined in the documents identified in section 2.