USER\'S GUIDE ON SECURITY SEALS FOR DOMESTIC CARGO (JAN-2007)., This guide provides information on the different types of security seals available for use in securing and controlling
containers, doors, and equipment. While this guide is not intended as a precise procedure for developing a comprehensive
seal control program, instead, the objective is to provide information and procedures that will support the development a
seal control program that will meet site-specific requirements. This guide broadly uses References 1 (Federal
Specification FF-S-2738) and 9 (Defense Transportation Regulation, Part II, Cargo Security) for Federal Government seal
procurement and References 2 (ISO 17712) and 11 (World Customs Organization “Framework of Standards to Facilitate
Global Trade” - Version 2.0; ANNEX 1 Standard 1- Integrated Supply Chain Management, para 1.2.4 Sealing and
Appendix to ANNEX 1; Seal Integrity Programme for Secure Container Shipments) for Intermodal Transportation
procurement and use. For DOD shipments only, if there is a conflict between this guide and references 1 and 9, those
references will take precedence. References 2 and 11 are used to provide additional most effective practice guidelines for
commercial shipments, but are not mandated or required to be used.