AMCP 706-357, AMC PAMPHLET: ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK - AUTOMOTIVE SERIES (APR-1970)., This handbook is one of the Automotive Series of the Army Materiel
Command's Engineering Design Handbooks. This is a coordinated series of
handbooks that contain basic information and fundamental data useful in
the design and development of Army materiel and systems. They are
authoritative references of practical information and quantitative data that
serve as guidelines in the development of materiel to fulfill the tactical and
technical requirements of the Armed Forces. Their purpose is to provide
assistance to designers of military equipment and a measure of specialized
technical guidance to military and civilian personnel who are responsible for
the preparation of specifications for this equipment, and to those who are
responsible for ensuring that these specifications are fulfilled.
The Automotive Series treats the broad field of automotive equipment
design, with particular emphasis upon the physical, operational, climatic, and
human factors considerations imposed by the military environment and
upon the ways that these considerations are unique to that environment.
The vehicle body or hull, one of the major functional elements of the
automotive assembly, is the subject of this handbook. Its treatment is
divided into four major chapters; namely, Chapter 1, "Introduction",
Chapter 2, "Design Considerations", Chapter 3, "Components Associated
With Body and Hull Design", and Chapter 4, "Design Procedures and Design
Criteria". A glossary of special terms used in this handbook and an index are
included at the end of the handbook.
The material presented in this handbook is a compilation of data and
design information gathered from many sources. Because of the vast scope of
the subject, its treatment has been limited to one of condensation and
summary. Proofs and mathematical derivations are omitted, for the most
part. Only final equations, qualifying or limiting information, and
interpretations useful to the design process are given.