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LOGISTICS ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK (MAR 2001)., This handbook provides guidance and formats to facilitate a comprehensive assessment of the adequacy of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) planning, management, resources and execution in support of research and development, production, fleet introduction and life-cycle support of new or modified systems (i.e. weapons platforms, systems, subsystems or equipment). SECNAVINSTs 5400.15A and 5000.2B require an Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA) for all acquisition programs prior to major decision milestones, Initial Operational Capability (IOC) and Full Operational Capability (FOC). The assessment methods described in this handbook were specifically designed to fulfill SECNAVINST 4105.1, ‘ILS Assessment and Certification Requirements’ with an emphasis on the Fleet as the ultimate customer of the DOD acquisition process. The methods described herein are recommended and may be tailored based on unique program requirements, the acquisition category, the acquisition phase/milestone, and/or the complexity of the acquisition and ILS programs. Individual Program Executive Officers (PEOs), Direct Reporting Program Managers (DRPMs) and Systems Command (SYSCOM) Commanders may also provide internal processes, guidance, and formats. SECNAVINST 5000.2B requires that “Acquisition logistics support programs shall be planned, managed, executed, and resourced such that full logistics support will be in-place at system initial operational capability.” The purpose of conducting logistics assessments is to provide upper management with reasonable, incremental assurances that the system under assessment will be logistically supportable when ultimately delivered to the fleet, and for its life cycle. This handbook offers a methodology of conducting logistics assessments that provides the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA), (as well as the Program Manager (PM), PEO and/or SYSCOM Commander if not the MDA) with a comprehensive independent assessment on the status of logistics in the acquisition process. The approach described in this handbook provides a forward-looking assessment of a program's logistics posture for the milestone decision process. Further guidance on the conduct of assessments using alternative methodologies, will be added as PEOs/DRPMs/SYSCOMs develop and codify individual processes and procedures to implement SECNAVINST 4105.1. SECNAVINST 4105.1 applies to all phases of (ACAT) acquisitions that introduce systems operated, maintained, and supported by the Navy with the exception of systems under the responsibility of the Director, Strategic Systems Programs and the Nuclear Power Directorate of the Naval Sea Systems Command. The requirement for an ILS assessment remains pertinent for (ACAT) modification of existing systems, (ACAT) Commercial-Off-The-shelf (COTS) / Non-Developmental Items (NDI) as well as full developmental (ACAT) programs.



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