NAVSEAINST 4790.8B, SHIPS' MAINTENANCE AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT (3-M) MANUAL (13 NOV 2003)., This instruction incorporates the requirements of
references (a) and (b) and is applicable to all ships and shore
station equipment under the cognizance of Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA).
a. It does not apply to systems and equipment under the
cognizance of Nuclear Power Directorate (NAVSEA 08), Director of
Strategic Systems Program (DIRSSP) and aeronautical support
equipment covered in the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
(NAMP). Ships, service craft and small boats manned by civilian
crews are also exempted from this instruction unless approved by
the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) as specified in reference
b. In addition to the change in appearance of this
maintenance manual, there are significant changes in content to comply with OPNAV policy, references (c) and (d) concerning
shipboard maintenance.
c. Common support equipment used by both ship’s force and
naval aviation units shall have Planned Maintenance System
support in accordance with this instruction.
d. Management of shipboard PMS and corrective maintenance
is the responsibility of the Commanding Officer. It is
imperative that Commanding Officers maintain a comprehensive
program within their command to monitor the health of their
maintenance system. To this end, an aggressive spot check/self assessment/evaluation program is vital to ensure quality
maintenance is being performed. The number of spot checks
required each week will vary between units and will be
determined by the command’s 3-M Manager. Periodic self-assessments/evaluations should be conducted by each Commanding