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SMCI 63-106 (2009), SPACE AND MISSILES CENTER (SMC) INSTRUCTION: SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS (S&S) (01-OCT-2009)., This instruction institutionalizes the SMC Commander’s Policy Letter, Initial Policy on Specifications and Standards Usage at SMC, dated 11 July 2006. This instruction directs the development, use, and maintenance of S&S as an integral element of SMC acquisition processes. Compliance with this instruction is mandatory for programs executed by SMC Wings, SMC staff organizations and SMC/AFPEO-Space. S&S shall be included in all solicitations, placed on contract as compliance documents, and implemented through the supplier chain. The SMC Chief Engineer maintains a coordinated master list of compliance documents, entitled Compliance Documents for SMC Acquisitions. The list includes the minimum essential government, industry, professional and international S&S for SMC’s total portfolio of launch vehicles, space vehicles, ground systems, user equipment, missile systems, facilities and research. This policy applies to all new SMC/CC/AFPEO-Space development, acquisition and sustainment contracts, including new contracts for legacy programs. The necessary S&S will be placed on contract, as part of the program’s baseline and the Program Office shall enforce them. Any issues on specifications, standards or implementation that arise between SMC/EA and SMC/Wings and Staff Organizations will be brought forward to SMC/CC/AFPEO-Space for resolution.

SMCI 63-106 Rev. 2009


201206-2012569.41 KB SMCI_63-106-2_11JUN2012
200910-2009205.77 KB SMCI_63-106-2_01OCT2009

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