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SMC-S-010 (2013), AFSC SPACE AND MISSILE SYSTEMS CENTER STANDARD: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRONIC PARTS, MATERIALS, AND PROCESSES USED IN SPACE VEHICLES (12-APR-2013) [SUPERSEDES SMC-S-010 (2009)]., This standard defines the Government\'s requirements and expectations for contractor performance in defense system acquisitions and technology developments. The requirements of this document were developed for the successful operations of long mission life and/or high reliability space equipment. Attention to every detail is required at every level of assembly throughout development, manufacture, qualification, and testing, starting with the parts, materials, and processes used. Launch vehicle program requirements for PMP are detailed in SMC-S- 011 Revision B - Parts, Materials and Processes Control Program for Expendable Launch Vehicles, while experimental/demonstration programs may choose to tailor this document to better align with the programs\' objectives and missions. This document supersedes Aerospace Technical Operating Report TOR-2006(8583)-5236 Revision A, titled Technical Requirements for Electronics Parts, Materials, and Processes Used in Space and Launch Vehicles, and shall be used for all space program PMP procurements. The objective of this document is to specify the technical baseline in the selection, application, procurement, control and standardization of parts (electrical and mechanical), materials, and processes for space programs. This TOR is intended to be used in conjunction with TOR-2006(8583)- 5235 (Parts, Materials, and Processes Control Program for Space) in order to achieve a high reliability space vehicle. Every effort was made to utilize standard document format, but this document retains the separately called out technical sections (starting with Section 100) to focus the user industry on the unique space quality items that are paramount for mission success in each technical section. The Referenced Documents Section includes active, inactive, or canceled specifications and standards. When no superseding document is called out, or the superseding document is believed not to include the necessary requirements, then the inactive or canceled specification is listed with the last known revision letter and annotated as either inactive or canceled. When the Acquisition Activity agrees to the use of superseding documents not specifically called out in Section 2, the prime contractor shall be responsible for the continued support to industry organizations responsible for publishing and maintaining the documents, and for active participation in the review and coordination of changes, that occur after contract award, to ensure continued compliance to the original intents of the referenced inactive/canceled documents. This document establishes the minimum technical requirements for electronic parts, materials, and processes (electronic PMP) used in the design, development, and fabrication of space vehicles. Application information, design and construction information, and quality assurance provisions are provided herein. All electronic PMP selected for use in space vehicles shall meet the requirements specified herein, unless otherwise approved by the program. Either the contractor or its subcontractors may accomplish these requirements. However, the prime contractor has the responsibility for ensuring all requirements are met. This document establishes the baseline performance requirements for electronic PMP and the quality and reliability assurance requirements, which shall be met for their acquisition. Detailed requirements, specific characteristics of electronic PMP, and other provisions which are sensitive to the particular intended use shall be specified within the device specification.

SMC-S-010 Rev. 2013


201304-20134.60 MB SMC-S-010_12APR2013
200901-20092.41 MB SMC-S-010_12JAN2009
200806-20081.83 MB SMC-S-010_13JUN2008

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