RADC-TR-89-171, IN-HOUSE REPORT: RADC RELIABILITY ENGINEER'S TOOLKIT (OCT-1989) [AD-A215977]., The Reliability Engineer's TOOLKIT is an application-oriented guide aimed primarily at the practicing reliability engineer, but is also highly useful in providing others with a better understanding of R&M principles and techniques. It summarizes time tested reliability and maintainability (R&I) concepts and techniques for developing reliable electronic hardware. It applies primarily to advanced
development and full scale engineering development projects. The TOOLK!T :pecialiy numerous topics which will result in the attainment ot more reliable and maintainable hardware. It addresses the practical application of proven R&M techniques which, when properly applied, will assist all hardware in meeting the R&M 2000 goals.
The TOOLKIT summarizes, in the form of checklists, tables, and step-by-step information needed during:
a. R&M requirements development
b. contractor proposal evaluation for R&M
c. participation in the R&M design process,
d. evaluation of various R&M analyses, and
e. participation in R&M testing.