RADC-TR-82-189, RADC TESTIBIITY NOTEBOOK (JUN-1982)., Testability represents the inherent susceptibility of electronics systems
to undergo valid functional performance testing, fault detection and fault
isolation, together with the characteristics cf the test system mix of
Built-in-Test and external test equipment. A high degree of testability is necessary to achieve the highest levels of system performance and
availability at least costs of system development and operation since goo
testability allows for discovery and correction of faulty system operation with the least expenditure of program resources and within acceptable
limits of elapsed time. The inherent testability needs to be systematically developed and integrated with the design of the system and the
requirements for testability must be accorded the same level of recognition as performance, reliability, maintainability, availability, supportability. and safety. The Testability Notebook provides fundamental
guidance for systematic establishment throughout the development cycle
of the requisite inherent testability and comprehensive testability of
the test resource mix in combination with the prime system design.