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ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES (AoA) HANDBOOK (USAF) - A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES (JUL-2008)., The Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Handbook embodies the Air Force’s current guidance for planning and executing Air Force and Air Force-led AoAs within the Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition process. This handbook is revised to reflect any major evolution in the frequently changing acquisition and capabilities/requirements processes. Individual chapters are updated to reflect the latest analysis techniques and regulatory requirements required to support acquisition efforts. This update to the AoA Handbook reflects changes due to: * DoD Instruction (DODI) 5000.02 dated 2 December 2008 * CJCSI 3170.01G dated 1 March 2009 * Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act (WSARA) of 2009 It is not the intent or goal of this handbook to repeat the details of established guidance. Its objective is to demonstrate how the Air Force AoA process contributes and supports the Defense Acquisition Management Framework. An AoA is an analytical comparison of the operational effectiveness, cost, and risks of proposed materiel solutions to gaps and shortfalls in operational capability. AoAs document the rationale for identifying and recommending a preferred solution or solutions to the identified shortfall(s). Threat changes, deficiencies, advances in technology or the obsolescence of existing systems can trigger a capabilities based assessment (CBA) and consequently an AoA. This handbook deals with Air Force-specific AoAs and those Joint AoAs where the Air Force is designated as the lead service. For AoAs where a Combatant Command (COCOM) is the lead, the methodology for conducting the AoA can be used to guide the analysis; however, the oversight and approval will be the responsibility of the COCOM. AoAs are an important element of the defense requirements and acquisition processes and as such, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is demonstrating increased involvement and oversight in AoA activities. AoAs are essential elements of the three processes in the DoD that work in concert to deliver the capabilities required by warfighters: the requirements process, the acquisition process, and the Planning, Programming Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process.

AoA Rev. 2008


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