AFI 63-107, INTEGRATED PRODUCT SUPPORT PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT (10 NOV 2004)., his Air Force Instruction (AFI) implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD)20-5, Air Force Product
Support Planning and Management and AFPD63-1, Capability-Based Acquisition System. It vests
responsibility for both acquisition and sustainment product support planning in the Program Manager
(PM). Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) is exempt from this AFI for systems not acquired under
Department of Defense Instruction (DODI)5000.2, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System. The
Department of Defense (DOD) concept of life cycle system management assigns the PM authority and
responsibility for implementation, management, and oversight of all activities associated with a DOD sys-
tem throughout its life cycle. The PM is accountable through the Program Executive Officer (PEO) or Air
Logistics Center (ALC) Commander (CC) reporting chain for ensuring viable and complementary acqui-
sition and sustainment strategies are developed early in the system life cycle. PM responsibility for secu-
rity assistance (SA) [foreign military sales (FMS)] programs is limited to elements/tasks that are
contained in a Government-to-Government agreement and specifically implemented for execution to the
PM, through the appropriate accountability reporting chain, by the assigned DOD component authority
over the agreement. Weapon system sustainment planning and execution impact life cycle cost and are to
be emphasized in the life cycle management plan (LCMP). DODI5000.2 identifies elements for effective
weapon system sustainment.