AFWAL-TR-80-4110, FINAL REPORT: METRICATION OF MIL-HDBK-5-C (AUG-1980)., The objective of this program was to develop a \'soft\' metric MIL-HDBK-5 Handbook based upon the conversion of existing United States (U.S.) units to the metric system of measurement and to publish the metric version of MIL-HDBK-5 as an Air Force technical report. The approach was to convert existing MIL-HDBK-5 to the metric system by changing all U.S. units of measurement to equivalent metric units. As required by Reference (1), the metric system used was The International System of Units (SI). In making the metric conversion, the conversion factors listed in Reference (2) were utilized. In general, the rules for conversion and rounding delineated in Reference (2) were observed. However, some exceptions to these rules were taken. The Handbook contains two digit and three digit design values in Ksi units with two and three significant figures, respectively. In the conversion, some arbitrary decisions were made for practical reasons. For most mill products, the design values vary with thickness. Consequently, the room temperature design allowable property tables list design values according to thickness ranges