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AFDD 2, AIR FORCE DOCTRINE DOCUMENT: OPERATIONS AND ORGANIZATION (03 APR 2007)., This document has been prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force. It establishes doctrinal guidance for organizing, planning, and employing air and space forces at the operational level of conflict across the full range of military operations. It is the capstone of US Air Force operational-level doctrine publications. Together, these publications collectively form the basis from which commanders plan and execute their assigned air and space missions and their actions as a component of a joint Service or multinational force. This Air Force doctrine document (AFDD) applies to the Total Force: all US Air Force military and civilian personnel, including regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve Command, and Air National Guard units and members. Unless specifically stated otherwise, US Air Force doctrine applies to the full range of military operations, as appropriate, from stability, security, transition, and reconstruction operations to major combat operations. The doctrine in this document is authoritative but not directive. Therefore, commanders need to consider not only the contents of this AFDD, but also the particular situation when accomplishing their missions. US Air Force assets (people, weapons, and support systems) can be used across the range of military operations at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. This AFDD discusses the fundamentals of organization and employment of US Air Force air and space capabilities to accomplish the missions assigned by unified combatant commanders. More specific guidance on US Air Force operations may be found in subordinate operational- and tactical-level doctrine documents.

AFDD 2 Rev. 2007


200704-20074.20 MB AFDD_2_2007

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