AEROSPACE REPORT NUMBER: TOR-2008(8550)-8028, INHERENT RISKS IN OBJECT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (16-JUN-2008)., Object orientation has been in existence since the late 1970s. During the 1990s, however, on the basis of various claims that
it was a dramatic, new software engineering approach, object-oriented software development became pervasive. Currently, most
new software projects use oject-oriented (00) techniques to various extents. The persistence of schedule slips and cost overruns,
particularly in the case of the development of large-scale, software-intensive ystems, raises the need for revisiting the
basics and exploring the inherent risks that 00 technology might contribute to the overall risk profile of a prolect. In this
article, Bertrand Meyer\' classic 00 technology concepts are mapped into Bariy Boehm\'s Top 10 methodology-neutral so/iware
rsks to illustrate potential areas of exposure. Recent developments in 00 technology, such as Java, Use Cases, or the
Unified Modeling Language fit well into this framework and are incuded as exaples. The ystematic approach introduced
will allow project managers to better understand the cost/benefit aspects of appying 00 technology, and to align their project
management strategies more successful with the organiZation \' business goals.