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AEROSPACE REPORT NUMBER: TOR-2013-00297 (REV. A), ELECTRICAL DESIGN WORST-CASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS - GUIDELINES AND DRAFT STANDARD (03-JUN-2013)., This document was produced under the auspices of the Mission Assurance Improvement Workshop during the 2012-2013 year. It is a continuation of the effort begun in the 2011-2012 year. A multidiscipline team was assembled in order to evaluate Worst Case Circuit Analysis (WCCA) best practices and to codify these in a Draft Standard as well as a guidebook. The Draft Standard is written in the form of a compliance standard. From this, selected requirements may be extracted for inclusion in supplier work statements to ensure that the level of WCCA is appropriate for the mission risk level. The Draft Standard may also be used as a starting point for a formal industry standard at some future point. The Guidebook is intended to provide best practices for performing a successful WCCA, from general principles to detailed guidance at the circuit level. Due to the ambitious nature of this undertaking, the team was not able in 2012 to make the comprehensive guide that was envisioned. Therefore, the MAIW steering committee granted a continuation of the effort for the 2013 year. The resultant document contains the combined output of the 2012 and 2013 material. The 2012 work was published as Aerospace TOR-2012(8960)-4. There was also a Revision A of that TOR, which was a publically-releasable shortened version of it. This consisted of the main body of the guidebook and the draft standard, omitting the appendices, which were deemed to be export-controlled. In this 2013 TOR, the main body of the 2012 version of the TOR has remained very much the same, with the exception of section 3.G, “WCCA Statistical Validity.” This section has been augmented with more statistical background and guidance. Appendix A, the Draft Standard, has remained the same. Appendices B through J and L contain new material for 2013. Appendix K contains most of the material from the 2012 TOR that was contained in its appendices.

TOR-2013-00297 Rev. A


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