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AJP-01D, ALLIED JOINT DOCTRINE (DEC-2010)., The successful planning, execution and support of military operations requires a clearly understood and implemented doctrine, and this is especially important when operations are to be conducted by multinational forces. The primary objective of Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-01(D) Allied Joint Doctrine is to provide ‘keystone’ doctrine for the planning, execution and support of Allied joint operations. Although AJP-01(D) is intended primarily for use by NATO forces, the doctrine is instructive to, and provides a useful framework for, operations conducted by a coalition of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), partners, non-NATO nations and other organisations. This edition reflects ongoing changes to the Alliance since the last edition published in March 2007. The revision is different structurally, partly in order to try to separate elements of doctrine which are enduring from those which are emerging, but also to try and improve on the logical flow of the document. AJP-01(D) is intended for use primarily by commanders and staffs at the operational level, but could be used at any level as a reference. It explains the principles that underpin the planning and conduct of Alliance campaigns and major operations by giving commanders the strategic context for such operations, identifying the challenges to commanders and their staffs at the operational level and providing the commander in particular with guidance and strategies to direct successful campaigns.AJP-01(D) should not restrict the authority of a commander. Subject to the constraints and restraints imposed by the directives issued by higher authority, he will be expected to organize the forces assigned to him and to plan and execute operations in a manner he deems appropriate to achieve unity of effort in the accomplishment of his mission. If it is to be useful, AJP-01(D) has to be a living document and be amended accordingly. Therefore, the Allied Joint Operations Doctrine Working Group (AJODWG) will review the contents on a three-year cycle, unless changes in NATO policy require urgent amendment to published doctrine. As a capstone document requiring consensus between all Alliance member nations, the AJODWG will continue to restrict future amendment to the minimum. As a result, the reader will find AJP-01(D) deliberately generic and abstract, focusing on the underlying philosophy and fundamentals of joint operations at the operational level while referring to subordinate publications, in particular AJP-3(B) Allied Joint Doctrine for the Conduct of Operations and AJP-5 Allied Joint Doctrine for Operational Planning for more detailed practices and procedures.

AJP-01 Rev. D


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D11-2010688.65 KB AJP-01D_DEC2010

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