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NSTS 08060 (REV. J), NASA SPACE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: SPACE SHUTTLE SYSTEM PYROTECHNIC SPECIFICATION (19-MAR-2003)., Efficient management of the Space Shuttle Program (SSP) dictates that effective control of program activities be established. Requirements, directives, procedures, interface agreements, and system capabilities shall be documented, baselined, and subsequently controlled by SSP management. Program requirements controlled by the Manager, Space Shuttle Program, are documented in, attached to, or referenced from Volumes of NSTS 07700. This specification provides a single, comprehensive document pertaining to all Space Shuttle pyrotechnics for use at the various levels of activity and minimizes the inclusions and repetitions of the specialized requirements peculiar to pyrotechnics in other program documents of more general nature and use. This document requires maximum commonality of hardware, technology, practices, and procedures relating to pyrotechnics throughout the Space Shuttle and further requires that the experience gained in prior space programs is applied to the pyrotechnics in the SSP. This specification is the source for the expanded definition of pyrotechnic requirements for all elements of the Space Shuttle system which are documented in Contract End Item (CEI) specifications and other documents. This specification is subordinate to NSTS 07700, but takes precedence over element project documents, CEI specifications, and other SSP documents insofar as they pertain to pyrotechnics. All elements of the SSP must adhere to these baselined requirements. When it is considered by the Space Shuttle program element/project managers to be in the best interest of the SSP to change, waive or deviate from these requirements, an SSP Change Request (CR) shall be submitted to the Program Requirements Control Board (PRCB) Secretary. The CR must include a complete description of the change, waiver or deviation and the rationale to justify its consideration. All such requests will be processed in accordance with NSTS 07700, Volume IV - Book 1 and dispositioned by the Manager, Space Shuttle Program, on a Space Shuttle PRCB Directive (PRCBD).

NSTS 08060 Rev. J


J03-2003535.70 KB NSTS_08060J

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