NASA-HDBK-4008, NASA TECHNICAL HANDBOOK: PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES (PLD) HANDBOOK (02-DEC-2013)., This Handbook outlines a life cycle as a guideline for planning, designing, verifying and
maintaining programmable logic devices (PLDs). Additionally, best practices are recommended
for different PLD development phases. This Handbook provides guidance to perform project
activities. It covers all aspects of the design cycle from initial planning through release and
maintenance. The specific types of PLDs this Handbook addresses are as follows:
* Field-programmable gate array (FPGA).
* Complex programmable logic device (CPLD). The purpose of this Handbook is to establish PLD design engineering guidance.
The trend toward the increased use of PLDs in aerospace systems requires increased expertise in
the design, development, and verification of these systems. Hardware designers are now
expected to implement PLD designs that are as complex as traditional microprocessor-based
systems that were designed in some cases by large teams of engineers.
The development of successful PLDs requires a coordinated effort. This Handbook contains
guidelines that provide for a consistent approach based on best practices for the development of
PLDs for flight and ground support systems across NASA Centers. The advancing technology in
PLDs has allowed for the implementation of more complex designs in single devices. Many of
these devices designed within NASA systems perform critical operations. The guidelines in this
Handbook serve to increase confidence in the quality of PLD designs.