KSC-SPEC-E-0031A, CABLES, ELECTRICAL, GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR (10 AUG 1995)., This specification establishes the general characteristic, construction, material, marking, inspection, test, and packaging requirements for flexible, multiconductor neoprene-jacketed electrical cables. These cables shall be used at the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for interconnecting various interior and exterior ground support equipment (GSE) network systems where voltages do not exceed 600 volts root mean square (rms).
NOTE: neoprene-jacketed cables are not rated for riser or plenum use.
Cables covered by this specification are suitable for use in wet or dry locations in applications where they will not be subjected to severe mechanical abuse. The cables are designed to operate with a maximum continuous surface temperature of 75 degrees Celsius and at a maximum voltage of 600 volts rms. The cables are not recommended for use in applications where they will be subject to heavy impact or abrasive wear such as frequent foot or vehicle traffic or for direct burial as a permanent installation.
Exterior electrical cables are intended to interconnect various units of space vehicle ground networks, such as blockhouse to umbilical tower, propellant storage facilities to launcher, and launcher to vehicle.
NOTE: Cables manufactured to a previous revision of this specification shall not be considered obsolete by virtue of the release of this revision. This specification supersedes MSFC-SPEC-332 and includes requirements for cables procured for use at KSC. Cable type numbers remain the same.