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SSP 54019_54020, INCREMENT DEFINITION AND REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT FOR INCREMENTS 19 AND 20 - INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION PROGRAM - BASELINE (JUL 2008)., This document covers Increments 19 and 20, beginning at the undocking of Flight 17 Soyuz. Increment 19 will include the Expedition (E)19 Commander (CDR) and Flight Engineer (FE)-1 who arrive on ISS on Flight 18 Soyuz. The third crew member, FE-2, rotates on the Shuttle flights. At the start of Increment 19, the E18/19 FE-2 (15A) will have been on ISS since Flight 15A in Increment 18. The E19/20 FE-2 (2J/A) is launched on Flight 2J/A and replaces E18/19 FE-2 (15A). Increment 19 ends and Increment 20 begins with the docking of Flight 19 Soyuz which augments the ISS to 6 crew with the arrival of E20 FE-3, FE-4, and FE-5. E19 CDR and FE-1 will remain on ISS as the E20 CDR and FE-1. E20 FE-4 will return on Flight Utilization Logistics Flight (ULF)3 during Increment 21. The E20/21 FE-2 (17A) is launched on Flight 17A and replaces the previous E19/20 FE-2 (2J/A). E20/21 FE-2 (17A) returns on Flight 19 Soyuz during Increment 21. Increment 20 ends with the undocking of Flight 18 Soyuz. Note that the Flight 19 Soyuz and Flight ULF3 that returns the crew has requirements, including those for crew rotation specified in SSP 54021_54022 <To Be Determined (TBD) 1-1>, Increment Definition and Requirements Document (IDRD) for Increments 21 and 22. Increment 19 (E19 Crew) begins with a crew complement of 2 United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) and 1 Russian Segment (RS) crew members. Increment 20 (E20 Crew) begins with a crew complement of 4 USOS and 2 RS crew members. During Increment 20, the FE-2 rotates on the Shuttle Flight 17A and the crew complement remains 4 USOS and 2 RS. With the arrival of Flight 20 Soyuz, the first Direct Crew Rotation will occur, the ISS crew will increase to 9 members, and there will be three Soyuz vehicles docked to the ISS for nine days. Flight 18 Soyuz returns the E20 CDR and FE-1. With the undocking of Flight 18 Soyuz, the Expedition Crew becomes the E21 Crew with a crew complement of 4 USOS and 2 RS. The details of E21 Crew and E22 Crew are specified in SSP 54021_54022 <TBD 1-1>. This document is based on the ISS Flight Program definition, as specified in SSP 54100, Increment Definition and Requirements Document Flight Program This document defines the capabilities and objectives of Increments 19 and 20. This document also controls the following: resource and accommodation allocations between assembly, system, and utilization; requirements and priorities for ISS execution planning; ISS ascent and/or descent manifest [IDRD for Increment 18, Annex (ANX) 1: Station Manifest (SSP 54018-32P <TBD 1-3>; SSP 54018-18S <TBD 1-4>]; [IDRD for Increment 19, ANX 1: Station Manifest (SSP 54019-33P <TBD 1-5>; SSP 54019-2J/A <TBD 1-6>; [IDRD for Increment 20, ANX 1: Station Manifest (SSP 54020-19S <TBD 1-7>; SSP 54020-34P <TBD 1-8>; SSP 54020-17A <TBD 1-9>; SSP 54020- HTV1 <TBD 1-10>; SSP 54020-20S <TBD 1-12>;)]; On-Orbit Maintenance Plan (SSP 54019_54020-ANX 2 <TBD 1-13>, IDRD for Increments 19 and 20, Annex 2: On-Orbit Maintenance Plan); ISS imagery requirements (SSP 54019_54020-ANX 3 <TBD 1-14>, IDRD for Increments 19 and 20, Annex 3: Imagery Requirements); medical operations (SSP 54019_54020-ANX 4 <TBD 1-15>, IDRD for Increments 19 and 20, Annex 4: Medical Operations and Environmental Monitoring); and payloads (SSP 54019_54020- ANX 5 <TBD 1-16>, IDRD for Increments 19 and 20, Annex 5: Payload Tactical Plan). The above mentioned documents are published as separate documents.

SSP 54019_54020


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