JSC 27260E, DECAL PROCESS DOCUMENT AND CATALOG (18 FEB 2006). This document is in two parts:
Part I: Decal Design and Production Facility (DDPF) Process
This process is designed to provide the reader with a description of the Decal Design and Production Facility
(DDPF) and its processes. This description will include the DDPF capabilities, processes and guidelines for
those interested in initiating services.
Part II: Decal Design and Production Facility Catalog
The Decal Design and Production Facility Catalog is the standard flight decal catalog, complete with
illustrations and part numbers. As hardware developers identify labels that have common applicability across
end items, these labels can be evaluated for “standard decal classification” and entered into the Decal Catalog
for general use. The hardware developer must have a label design that meets current, applicable labeling
requirements, and submit it to the DDPF as a standard label candidate. Upon approval the label will be added
to the Decal Catalog.
NOTE: The advantage of identifying Flight decals in this catalog is that a released drawing is already in
place, and the products will be flight certified. A JSC Form 733, Support Request, is all that is required to
order decals and placards from the decal catalog. When ordering IMS (Inventory Management System)
barcode labels, you will need to order through the MIDAS/BITS website. Further information on the website
can be obtained by contacting the OC4/BITS Coordinator.