NASA COST ESTIMATING HANDBOOK (CEH) (2008)., This handbook provides useful information on cost estimating for the entire NASA Cost
Estimating Community. It is to be both informative for the new NASA cost estimator and a good
reference document for the experienced NASA cost estimator. Based on the extensive feedback
from the NASA Cost Estimating Community, the 2008 edition of the handbook has been
streamlined to make references easy to find, simplified to make new initiatives easy to
understand, and clarified to communicate key policy messages efficiently. This handbook’s
information provides NASA-relevant perspectives and NASA-centric data useful in the NASA
environment and facilitates the development of reliable, comprehensive, defensible, and well documented
cost estimates.
The 2008 CEH is separated into the following distinct volumes:
• Volume 1: Cost Estimating
• Volume 2: Cost Risk
• Volume 3: Economic & Supporting Analysis
• Volume 4: NASA Cost Estimator Career Development Guide
• Volume 5: Knowledge Management
• Volume 6: Reference