NASA COST ESTIMATING HANDBOOK (CEH) (APR 2002)., The purpose of this handbook is to be a general reference document for the fundamental concepts and techniques used by the NASA CEC to prepare cost estimates. Standardizing costing methodologies and processes across NASA will provide consistency to the process and, thereby, increase the credibility of the resulting cost estimates. In this first version, the handbook takes a �back to basics� approach to help enhance cost estimating capability and increase communication among the estimating community and other NASA entities.
On a broad scale, the CEH along with other initiatives, will support increased project accountability to NASA leadership and can provide a higher "return" in the form of science, research and technology advancement in the development of space and aeronautics. The creation of a NASA CEH provides opportunities to improve cost estimating accuracy, consistency, and credibility by aligning each of the NASA Centers with a common process and vision for cost estimating.