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NASA GSFC-STD-1000D, GODDARD TECHNICAL STANDARD: RULES FOR THE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, VERIFICATION, AND OPERATION OF FLIGHT SYSTEMS (02 JUN 2008) [aka "GOLDEN RULES"]., Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Rules are a high-level subset of all the design rules required for safety and mission success for all space flight products. These rules spell out the technical or design requirements that every Goddard project shall meet regardless of its implementation approach. GSFC Rules are not replacements for existing Goddard Procedural Requirements (GPRs) or NASA Procedural Requirements (NPRs). NPRs and GPRs are specific, detailed procedures for implementing NASA and Goddard policies, and as such they often address project management requirements per NASA Procedural Requirement (NPR) 7120.5 that do not fall within the scope of the GSFC Rules. Figure 1 provides a hierarchy of where the GSFC Rules fit within the Center’s larger collection of rules. Figure 2 illustrates the role the GSFC Rules play in the Goddard Open Learning Design (G.O.L.D.) approach to knowledge management. GSFC Rules are not intended to serve as a “cookbook” or "how-to" guide, but rather as another tool for assessing overall project risk and assuring mission success. GSFC Rules are defined and apply in relation to the lifecycle of a mission or project. (See Figure 3.) All products shall be designed, developed, verified and operated in accordance with the GSFC Rules. Exceptions shall be permitted only by formal waiver or deviation, processed and approved in accordance with GPR 8070.4, or by virtue of the requirement’s non-applicability to the product, as explicitly stated in the rule. Figure 4 defines the rule structure and explains the difference between the rule principle and rule activities, with respect to project compliance. The Principle states the requirement of each rule, and a formal waiver or deviation is required for non-compliance. Activities are best practices, identified across lifecycle phases. Non-compliance with activities does not require waivers or deviations, but may generate a request for action. The Office of Mission Success (OMS) shall develop and maintain the GSFC Rules for the Design, Development, Verification, and Operation of Flight Systems. GSFC Rules shall adhere to the following criteria: a) It is a high-value principle to establish the methodology necessary to consistently and efficiently achieve safety and mission success; b) It is important enough to require compliance, or formal waivers, for all GSFC projects; c) The rationale is based on sound engineering practice, systems management principles, or lessons learned; and d) A system engineering product or other objective verification method is identified at one or more milestones in the project life cycle. GSFC Rules shall be configuration-controlled and accessible to all GSFC employees. A technical authority designated for each rule will be responsible for validating the principle, rationale, verification requirements, related guidance and lessons learned, and participating in the evaluation of proposed changes, waivers and deviations.

GSFC-STD-1000 Rev. D


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12-20044.72 MB GFSC-STD-1001

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