MISSION DESIGN PROCESSES, NASA/GSFC (aka "THE GREEN BOOK") (1991)., This guide is to be used as a starting point for developing and executing a plan for conducting a
mission design study, i.e., defining the mission and then designing the system(s), required to
conduct that specific mission. The processes, activities, and products presented herein should
not be held as a rigid prescription that must be met in every detail. Each Study Team should
develop its own plans, processes, and products that are tailored to the particular mission under
study. For larger missions, especially those requiring many organizations, the activities, processes,
and resulting products are likely to be more formal; for smaller missions, less so. The
study plan must consider the acquisition strategy for conducting the studies, the eventual procurement
of the system(s) during Phase C/D (Execution), Phase E (Launch Operations), and activities
conducted during Phase F (Mission Operations).