CxP 70036 (REV. C), CONSTELLATION PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE TESTING REQUIREMENTS (CEQATR) (05 OCT 2009)., This document, also known as the CEQATR, defines the baseline environmental test requirements that apply to the qualification and acceptance of Constellation (Cx) flight hardware. It also presents alternative strategies and associated test requirements that can apply when appropriate approval to deviate from the baseline qualification/acceptance program has been granted. This document provides the general baseline requirements for environmental qualification and acceptance testing for the Constellation Program (CxP) referenced in CxP 70000, Constellation Architecture Requirements Document (CARD). These test requirements do not necessarily comprise the total test program required. They exist in concert with other test requirements as established by applicable hardware development specifications, verification plans, and test requirement documents, which may include additional tests that are not identified in this document (as well as various analyses, demonstrations, and inspections). The requirements of this document apply at the unit, Multi-Unit Module (MUM), and through the major assembly level. For the purpose of this document, a MUM is treated as a unit. For definitions of levels of assembly, reference Appendix A.
When some major assemblies are integrated, another level of major assembly is created. This integrated major assembly may or may not be appropriate for testing in accordance with the requirements in this document.
When testing at the major assembly level is not appropriate due to the size or weight of the Test Article (TA), facility dimensions, or test equipment limitations, testing shall be accomplished at logical sublevels of the major assembly. The identification of these sublevels is the responsibility of the Projects, and the overall major assembly test strategy shall be clearly defined in the applicable Master Verification Plan (MVP).
Table 1.2-1 provides a list of where various qualification and acceptance requirements are defined for the CxP. Table 1.2-1 does not invoke any requirements but is provided as a convenient reference.