GAO-09-306SP, NASA: ASSESSMENTS OF SELECTED LARGE-SCALE PROJECTS (02 MAR 2009)., GAO assessed 18 NASA projects with a combined life-cycle cost of more than
$50 billion. Of those, 10 out of 13 projects that had entered the implementation
phase experienced signifi cant cost and/or schedule growth. For these
10 projects, development costs increased by an average of 13 percent from
baseline cost estimates that were established just 2 or 3 years ago and they
had an average launch delay of 11-months. In some cases, cost growth was
considerably higher than what is reported because it had occurred prior to
the most recent baseline. Many of the projects we reviewed experienced
challenges in developing new technologies or retrofi tting older technologies as
well as in managing their contractors, and more generally, understanding the
risks and challenges they were up against when they started their efforts.
GAO’s previous work has consistently shown that reducing the kinds of
problems this assessment identifi es in acquisition programs hinges on
developing a sound business case for a project. In essence, this means
establishing fi rm requirements, maturing technologies, and assuring other vital
resources, such as time and funding, are suffi cient before making long-term
commitments to acquisitions. NASA has acted to adopt practices that would
ensure programs proceed based on a sound business case and undertaken an
array of initiatives aimed at improving program management, cost estimating,
and contractor oversight. Continued attention to these efforts should help
maximize NASA’s acquisition investments.