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MIL-STD-1678/2A, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARD PRACTICE: FIBER OPTIC CABLING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS AND MEASUREMENTS (PART 2: OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS) (PART 2 OF 6 PARTS) (04-NOV-2013)., This standard practice provides detailed information and guidance to personnel concerned with ensuring standardization of fiber optic cable topologies (optical fiber cabling and associated components) on military mobile vehicles used in air, land, and sea applications. In general, the requirements and methods specified herein are not identifiable to any specific mobile vehicle class or type, but are intended to standardize and minimize variations in requirements, test setups, test measurement procedures, test sample fabrication configurations, and other aspects that must be addressed for completeness. Where specified, constrains for usage or platform types will be listed. The term “platform” will be used to refer to the military mobile vehicles in general or, where designated, one particular class (such as “aircraft platform”) or one particular type within that class (such as “F-35”). In order to provide flexibility in the use and update of the different aspects for requirements and methods, this standard practice is issued in five parts; as follows: Part 1: Design, installation and maintenance requirements. This part addresses design requirements for platforms that use cable harnesses as the means to transport data through optical fiber among communication network and end user equipment. Larger platforms that route trunk cables through cableways and drop cables to the end user (application equipment), can cite applicable requirements in Part 1 of the Standard Practice and augment them with use of MIL-HDBK-2051 and MIL-STD-2042 as appropriate. Surface ships and submarines, are to use MIL-HDBK-2051 and MIL-STD-2042 in lieu of Part 1 of this Standard Practice. Part 2 Optical measurements. Part 2 of this standard practice addresses further details to refine or bound (constrain) the performance of each optical test measurement addressed. The test methods, such as those in a TIA-455 series standard or military standard/specification, are cited already. This part of the standard practice augments the test method in the standard or specification to ensure consistency with setup and measurement procedure. This consistency minimizes variations when comparing data obtained from different test laboratories (including commercial, vendor, Government and Government contractor). Part 3 Physical, mechanical, environmental and material measurements. Part 3 of this standard addresses further details to refine or bound (constrain) the performance of each physical, mechanical, environmental and material test measurement or inspection addressed. The test methods, such as those in a TIA-455 series standard or military standard/specification, are cited already. This part of the standard practice augments the test method to ensure consistency with setup, measurement procedure, data recording/analysis and other factors critical to conducting or evaluating test performance. This consistency minimizes variations when comparing data obtained from different test laboratories (including commercial, vendor, Government and Government contractor). Part 4 Test sample preparation/fabrication requirements. Part 4 of this standard practice addresses further details to refine or bound (constrain) the preparation and fabrication of test samples for the fiber optic components addressed. Fabrication methods, such as those in the Shipboard installation standard, MIL-STD-2042, or in the general series aircraft maintainer’s manual, NAVAIR 01-1A-505-4/TO 1-1A-14-1, are cited already. This part of the standard practice augments the fabrication method to ensure consistency of the test configuration Part 5 Design phase and legacy measurements. Tests that are more unique to the design phase are addressed in Part 5 of this standard practice. Also, Part 5 addresses some test methods cited in former DOD-STD-1678. The test methods cited in DOD-STD-1678 are considered obsolete; however, a few military specifications and commercial standards still refer to some of the test methods. These test methods are provided in this part of the standard practice with the recommended replacement method. These latter test methods are listed under the constraint that they be used only with the specific military specifications or commercial standards in which they are cited. The intent is to delete each DOD-STD-1678 test method from that standard practice in Part 5 once its reference from military specification or commercial standard is removed. Part 6 Parts and support equipment commonality and standardization requirements, cable harness configurations. This part of the Standard Practice addresses component part and support equipment standardization requirements for platforms that use cable harnesses as the means to transport data through optical fiber among communication network and end user equipment. Surface ships and submarines are to use the Navy Shipboard Fiber Optic Recommended Components Parts List (a copy may be found at web site: https://fiberoptics.nswc.navy.mil/) in lieu of part 6 of this Standard Practice. Likewise, larger platforms that route trunk cables through cableways and drop cables to the end user (application equipment), can cite applicable requirements in Part 6 of the Standard Practice, cite the Navy shipboard Fiber Optic Recommended Components Parts List (a copy may be found at web site: https://fiberoptics.nswc.navy.mil/), or both, as appropriate.

MIL-STD-1678/2 Rev. A


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CHG-109-2011904.36 KB MIL-STD-1678-2_CHG-1
05-2010842.40 KB MIL-STD-1678-2

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