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MIL-STD-331D, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TEST METHOD STANDARD: FUZES, IGNITION SAFETY DEVICES AND OTHER RELATED COMPONENTS, ENVIRONMENTAL AND PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR (31-MAY-2017)., This standard describes tests used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to determine the safety, reliability and performance characteristics of weapon initiation systems, ignition safety devices, fuzes and their components at any stage in their life cycle. - 1. This standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. MIL-STD-331D supersedes MIL-STD-331C w/CHANGE 1, dated 22 June 2009 including all change notices. It has been prepared in accordance with MIL-STD-962C and complies with DoD policy for greater use of commercial products and practices. 3. MIL-STD-331 is a test method type standard. Its scope has evolved over the years reflecting increased standardization of environmental and performance tests among the services and improvements in fuze/ignition safety devices design, test technology and safety. 4. Table I is kept to show the correspondence between prior test numbers and the new numbers. 5. Design agencies are cautioned that the existence of this standard does not relieve them of the responsibility to define the environments the fuze and other similar items will be exposed to during its life cycle. This definition is essential for proper test selection and the identification of any required test deviation. Specification of the test method alone in a test directive may not adequately define the conditions in which a test is conducted. Many test methods in this standard include parameters or options which permit tailoring to specific fuze designs, environments and uses. Table II results from the concern for properly invoking the use of test methods. The use of Table II and careful review of the entire test method is strongly encouraged when preparing development or production specifications and test plans. 6. Changes to this revision include updates to transportation vibration section of MIL-STD- 331D with test profiles based on the latest measurements. A tactical ground vehicle vibration test reference has been added for artillery in Appendix B3.1, by referencing ITOP 1-2-601. The Leak Test in Appendix C. 8.1 has also been updated replacing the halogen gas method with a radioisotope method. Several Joint Ordnance Test Procedures (JOTPs) are now referenced in Appendix F and a new test called the Electrical Stress Test is referenced in F5 with the procedure released as JOTP 053. This test has been recently requested by the Safety Review Authorities of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Appendix G has had a new section (G5) added along with some editorial changes/clarifications. Additionally, some definitions have been added to support applicability of this standard to ignition safety devices as well as other components of initiation systems. Spelling corrections and clarifications have been made throughout the document. 7. Design agencies which frequently use other fuze and explosive component tests or variations of tests contained in this standard are requested to furnish this information to the preparing activity (see address above) for possible inclusion in MIL-STD-331.

MIL-STD-331 Rev. D


D05-20177.23 MB MIL-STD-331D
C06-20096.19 MB MIL-STD-331C_CHANGE-1
C01-20052.56 MB MIL-STD-331C
B11-2000501.91 KB MIL-STD-331B_NOTICE-8
B03-199743.83 KB MIL-STD-331B_NOTICE-7
B04-1996421.92 KB MIL-STD-331B_NOTICE-6
B12-19897.96 MB MIL-STD-331B

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