MIL-T-24107B, MILITARY SPECIFICATION, TUBE, COPPER (SEAMLESS) (COPPER ALLOY NUMBERS C10100, C10200, C10300, C10800, C12000, C12200, AND C14200) (16 OCT 1987)
MIL-T-24107B, MILITARY SPECIFICATION, TUBE, COPPER (SEAMLESS) (COPPER ALLOY NUMBERS C10100, C10200, C10300, C10800, C12000, C12200, AND C14200) (16 OCT 1987)., This specification covers seamless copper tube with standard pipe size outside diameters (od), including some intermediate nonstandard sizes. Drawn-temper tubes may be used with brazed or solder type fittings. Annealed-temper tubes may be used with flared, flanged, soldered, or brazed fittings.