FED-STD-807M, FEDERAL STANDARD: TRUCKS: HEAVY COMMERCIAL, 6X4 and 6X6 19,500 TO 30,000 KG (43,000 TO 66,000 LBS) GVWR (REV. 1 - 31 OCT 2005)
FED-STD-807M, FEDERAL STANDARD: TRUCKS: HEAVY COMMERCIAL, 6X4 and 6X6 19,500 TO 30,000 KG (43,000 TO 66,000 LBS) GVWR (REV. 1 - 31 OCT 2005)., This document covers new commercially produced, six wheeled, four and six wheel drive (6x4 & 6x6) heavy trucks. It is intended to simplify competitive procurement of commercial vehicles, and achieve a practical degree of standardization within the federal fleet.