ECSS-M-00-03A, SPACE PROJECT MANAGEMENT RISK MANAGEMENT. This Standard defines, extending the requirements of ECSS--M--00, the principles
and requirements for integrated risk management on a space project; it explains
what is needed to implement a project integrated risk management policy by any
project actor, at any level i.e. customer, first level supplier, or lower level suppliers.
This Standard contains a summary of the general risk management process,
which is sub-divided into four (4) basic steps and nine (9) tasks. The implementation
can be tailored to project specific conditions.
The risk management process requires information exchange between all project
domains, and provides visibility over risks,with a ranking according to their criticality
for the project; these risks have to be monitored and controlled according to
the rules defined for the domain to which they belong.
The fields of application of this Standard are all the space project phases defined
in ECSS--M--30.