ECSS-E-HB-60-10A, SPACE ENGINEERING: CONTROL PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES (14-DEC-2010)., This document focuses on the specific issues raised by managing all performance aspects of control
systems in the frame of space projects. It provides a set of practical definitions, engineering rules,
recommendations and guidelines to be used when specifying or verifying the performance of a
general control system; attention was paid by the authors to keep the application field as open as
possible, and not to restrict to a specific domain – such as spacecraft attitude control for example.
It is not intended to substitute to textbook material on automatic control theory. The readers and the
users are assumed to possess general knowledge of control system engineering and its applications to
space missions. Nevertheless when required – to avoid any risks of ambiguity for example, or for the
clearness of the presentation – some basic definitions and rules are provided in dedicated annexes.
This document was originally intended to focus on the specific case of pointing systems and AOCS,
starting from an existing ESA handbook [Pointing Error Handbook, ESA-NCR-502], to be updated,
completed, and extended to be built up as an applicable ECSS document.