ECSS-E-HB-32-23A, SPACE ENGINEERING: THREADED FASTENERS HANDBOOK (16-APR-2010)., The aim of the present handbook is to assist the structural design engineers by presenting them in a
single document with all the information relevant to the use of threaded fasteners in jointed
spacecraft components. ESA PSS-03-208 \"Guidelines for threaded fasteners\", on which this document is based, provided a
number of methodologies for analysis of threaded fastener joints in spacecraft structures. This
document is an update of the PSS taking into account more recent developments in the field. It is
intended to standardize the analysis approach and corresponding documentation for threaded
fastener joints developed in ECSS projects. Therefore, this document presents a \"Margin of Safety\"
for each mode of failure that should be considered. All relevant margins of safety should be shown
in verification documentation.