ECSS-E-00A, SPACE ENGINEERING: POLICY AND PRINCIPLES (19-APR-1996)., This standard, which is informative in nature, contains the basic rules and overall
principles to be applied to all engineering activities during performance of a
space project. It addresses the establishment, based on customer needs, of mission
objectives, requirements, and specifications for space systems, and the design, definition,
production, verification, operation, and eventual disposal of the systems
themselves. It defines the scope and interfaces of these activities relative to the
domains of management and product assurance which are addressed in the Management
(– M) and Product Assurance (– Q) branches of the ECSS system, and
explains how they may apply in different ways depending on the type of space system
concerned. It also introduces the lower level engineering standards within
the ECSS system, and proposes how they may be used (after “tailoring” if required)
to facilitate space project operations.
This standard is intended to help customers in formulating their needs and
suppliers in preparing their response and implementing the work.