BSSC(98)3 (ISSUE 1), ADA CODING STANDARD (OCT 1998)., This purpose of this document is to specify a coding standard for programs written in the Ada programming language. The document proposes a set of stylistic guidelines designed to aid the production of high-quality, readable, reliable, maintainable and reusable Ada programs.
The document may equally serve as a self-standing standard or as the basis for a more comprehensive company-wide or project-specific standard.
The coding standard proposed in this document applies to any program written in the Ada programming language, irrespective of the specific application domain.
Effective application of the present guidelines to specific projects and application domains (such as, for example, those applying to on- board application as opposed to ground application) may require the generation of domain-specific complements. The formulation of domain- specific coding practices and recommendations, though, falls outside the scope of this document.