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UFC-3-580-01, UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA (UFC), TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUILDING CABLING SYSTEMS PLANNING AND DESIGN (22 JUN 2007)., This UFC (Unified Facilities Criteria) document provides guidance on how to design and implement building telecommunications cabling systems for military construction. An acceptable building cabling system encompasses, but is not limited to, copper and fiber optic (FO) entrance cable, termination equipment, copper and fiber backbone cable, copper and fiber horizontal distribution cable, workstation outlets, racks, cable management, patch panels, cable tray, cable ladder, conduits, grounding, and labeling. This UFC is intended to provide a telecommunications manager with a means for designing new Building Cabling Systems (BCS) or additions to existing BCS. Sufficient reference material is provided to allow for a basic understanding of a BCS and the components. The provisioning of telecommunications support for MILCON projects is outlined in MIL-HDBK-1190. This guide is intended to address only the requirements for BCS telecommunications pathways and cabling necessary to support voice, data and video systems required for new and renovated facilities. This UFC will establish an implementation concept that can be used to shape architectural templates and influence the design process for Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture (I3A). It will identify proven infrastructure construction techniques, define common practices, and serve as an authoritative implementation guide. This UFC is consistent with Department of Defense (DoD) Policy Memorandum of June 29, 1994, regarding the use of commercial standards in lieu of military specifications. Unless otherwise specified by the major claimant, or where deemed inadequate for safety reasons, or inappropriate because of the function of the facility, commercial standards must be employed in the planning, design and installation of inside cable plant in support of U.S. Army U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force sponsored military construction and refurbishment projects. A partial listing of Commercial, Federal and DoD standards, that addresses telecommunications design and installation practices, are provided in Appendix A. The major claimant and the BCS Engineer must jointly review this list to confirm the adequacy of the commercial standards to meet the telecommunications requirements of the particular facility.



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