DOD ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK DESKBOOK (VERSION 1.0), DOD ARCHITECTURE FRAMEWORK WORKING GROUP (15 AUG 2003)., The Department of Defense (DoD) Architecture Framework (DoDAF), Version 1.0, defines a
common approach for DoD architecture description development, presentation, and integration.
The Framework enables architecture descriptions to be compared and related across
organizational boundaries, including Joint and multinational boundaries.
The Framework is partitioned into two volumes and a Deskbook. Volume I provides
definitions, guidelines, and some background material. Volume II contains descriptions of each
of the product types. This third volume is the DoD Architecture Framework Deskbook and
provides supplementary guidance to Framework users.
The Deskbook presents several techniques for developing and using architectures. These
various techniques were developed by different segments of the DoD community and do not
represent coordinated community positions. Volumes I and II presented mandatory guidance to
the DoD community. The techniques presented in this Deskbook are not mandatory but are
provided for their insights and potential utility to the reader. However, readers should determine
the applicability of a technique to their individual situation.
Because this Deskbook is being published as part of the DoDAF, the techniques herein were
developed during the time that the C4ISR Architecture Framework was operative. Some, but not
all, of the material ha s been updated to reflect the DoDAF. The reader may see some material
that is C4ISR Architecture Framework specific. These small discrepancies should not interfere
with the DoDAF-related value of the material.
The Deskbook also provides additional material for topics that were introduced in Volumes I
and II. This material includes the All-DoD Core Architecture Data Model (CADM), architecture
tools, Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference Models, and Universal Reference Resources.