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MMS-1, MEDICAL MARKING STANDARD, DIRECTORATE OF MEDICAL MATERIEL, DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER PHILADELPHIA (19-JUL-1999)., This standard contains marking requirements for all contractor-originated shipments of medical materiel to military supply depots and to medical treatment facilities (MTFs), and is applicable to both military and commercial packaging. This document replaces MIL-STD-129-2, Marking for Shipment and Storage – Medical Material, which has been canceled. There are several significant changes: a. CAGE and complete item identification have been eliminated from the identification markings. b. Bar-coded NSN is no longer required on the intermediate package. c. Two bar codes (CAGE and CLIN) have been eliminated from the exterior (shipping) container and unitized load markings. d. MIL-STD-2073-1C military preservation method number and date of preservation (i.e., “M10-4/99”) will now be used for military preservation. e. The term “COMM’L” and date of preservation (i.e., “COMM’L 4/99”) will now be used for commercially preserved and packed materiel. Several requirements have been clarified: a. Specific marking requirements, i.e., shelf life, storage legends, etc., for each NSN shall be as stated in the applicable contract or purchase order. b. For all hazardous materiel acquisitions, a copy of the MSDS shall be submitted to Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, ATTN: DSCP-MSCBP. In addition, a copy of the MSDS shall accompany each shipment of hazardous materiel. c. All DVD shipments shall be marked as specified in the purchase order. However, marking of ALL hazardous materiel shipments shall comply with all marking and labeling requirements of the applicable domestic and international transportation regulations, including requirement for submission of the MSDS. d. Marking of all hazardous materiel destined for shipment through a military aerial port via military aircraft shall comply with DLAI 4145.3. Any questions, comments, requests for assistance/clarification, etc., may be directed to the point of contact listed in para. VI of this document.

MMS-1 Rev. 1999


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