DI-SESS-81629A, DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION: RELIABILITY TEST PROCEDURE (01-OCT-2015)., The Reliability Test Procedure provides detailed technical directions for implementing an
individual reliability test (e.g. conventional reliability growth test, highly accelerated life test,
accelerated life test, environmental stress screening, reliability qualification test, production
reliability acceptance test) at the equipment, subsystem, and system levels during the integrated
test program. The procedure contains step-by-step instructions of how the equipment, including
software, will be utilized during the reliability test. This document will be used by the procuring
activity for review and approval of the contractor’s procedure for conducting the reliability test
and in the subsequent surveillance of the test and evaluation of the results.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format, intended use information, and content
preparation instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task described
in the solicitation, and should be tailored appropriately.