DI-MGMT-82099, DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION (DID): OPEN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT PLAN (11-JAN-2017)., The essence of Open Systems Architecture (OSA) is an organized decomposition, using carefully
defined execution boundaries, layered onto a framework of software and hardware shared services
and a vibrant business model that facilitates competition. An Open Systems Management Plan
(OSMP) describes the developer’s approach for using modular design, standards-based interfaces,
and widely-supported, consensus-based standards to achieve these goals. The OSMP shall include
a developer’s plans for a modular, open architecture, to include use of open interface standards
and Technical Reference Frameworks (TRF); design and management of, and dependencies
between, Computer Software Configuration Items (CSCIs); design information documentation;
technology insertion; life cycle sustainability; treatment of proprietary or vendor-unique elements;
and reuse of existing items. The OSMP includes a support plan for the Modular Open Systems
Approach (MOSA) and provides the acquirer visibility into the developers’ open systems approach
and implementation. This forms a basis for evaluation of a developer’s proposal and adherence to
MOSA technical and business goals.
This Data Item Description (DID) contains the format, content, and intended use information for
the data product resulting from the work task described in the contract Statement of Work (SOW),
Performance Based SOW (PBSOW) or Statements of Objectives (SOO).