DI-MGMT-81772, DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION: LEAD-FREE CONTROL PLAN (LFCP) (12 JUN 2009)., The Lead-Free Control Plan (LFCP) will be used to obtain essential information from contractors on how they plan to manage the risk of lead-free solders or finishes used in their products during the program’s lifecycle.
This DID contains the format and content preparation instruction for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract.
This DID is applicable to all new contracts and solicitations that acquire electronic systems including weapons systems containing electronic components as well as rework or repair of electronic systems or components.
The DID may also be applicable to systems already in production for major changes and block upgrades.
The reference documents cited in this DID, GEIA-STD-0005-1, “Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-Free Solder” and GEIA -STD-0005-2, "Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems", may be obtained from: Government Electronics and Information Technology Association, 2500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22201, or as specified in the contract.