TM 5-809-1/AFMAN 88-3 (Chapter-1) (Chg. 1), TECHNICAL MANUAL: STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA LOADS (01-AUG-1993) [S/S BY UFC 3-301-01]
TM 5-809-1/AFMAN 88-3 (Chapter-1) (Chg. 1), TECHNICAL MANUAL: STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA LOADS (01-AUG-1993) [S/S BY UFC 3-301-01]., The following criteria stipulate combinations of loads to be
considered in the design of structures and foundations.
Combined loads produce the most unfavorable effect on
foundations, structural members, and connections. Accordingly
the designer will select the appropriate combined
loads that create the most unfavorable affect when
one or more of the contributing loads are present.