FM 90-7 (ARMY FIELD MANUAL), COMBINED ARMS OBSTACLE INTEGRATION (10 APR 2003) (CHANGE 1)., Field Manual (FM) 90-7 is intended for the combined arms commander and staff. It encompasses
doctrine established in FMs 5-100, 6-20 series, 71-100, 100-5, and 100-7. The doctrine
presented in the following chapters seeks to develop the full potential of obstacles as a component
of combat power. Each chapter contains tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) that
take the doctrinal foundation and provide the “How To” connection.
This manual initially defines and establishes the principles for obstacle operations then
applies them at echelons from corps to company team, concentrating on essential TTPs.
Chapter 2 provides the key obstacle terms that will be used throughout the manual. Chapter 3
covers obstacle integration theory. Chapter 4 covers obstacle planning from corps through
brigade level. Chapter 5 covers obstacle planning from task force (TF) through company team
level. Chapters 4 and 5 build on the foundations in Chapters 1 through 3 and establish echelon-
specific TTPs. Chapters 6 through 8 provide considerations for specific types of obstacles.
Three appendixes provide the additional tools that facilitate successful planning and execution.
Appendix A provides information on individual obstacles. Appendix B addresses the critical
activities in reporting, recording, and tracking. Finally, Appendix C describes obstacle
resourcing and supply.
Throughout this manual, the terms brigade, TF, and company team are used to refer to all
friendly brigade-, battalion-, and company-size units (to include cavalry units) unless otherwise
noted. The terms regiment, battalion, and company are used only when referring to
enemy units unless otherwise noted.
This publication implements international Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 2017.