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FM 3-11 (FM 3-100) , MULTISERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROCEDURES FOR NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL DEFENSE OPERATIONS [MCWP 3-37.1, NWP 3-11, AFTTP (I) 3-2.42 (MAR-2006)., This publication provides a multiservice doctrinal reference for planning and executing nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC)/chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) defense operations. This doctrinal manual bridges the gap between joint NBC defense doctrine (Joint Publication [JP] 3-11, Joint Doctrine for Operations in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Environments) and service operational NBC defense doctrine. It provides guidelines to assist members of the services discharging responsibilities as joint task force commanders and staffs. The manual addresses integration of multiservice doctrine for NBC defense in three areas. It provides tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for planning NBC defense; describes NBC defense capabilities from the services that could be integrated into an area of operations (AO); and outlines roles and responsibilities for NBC defense. Guidelines provided in this manual assist commanders and staffs in integrating NBC defense operations into the context of all other AOs. The term “NBC environment,” as used in this publication, refers to an environment in which there is deliberate or accidental employment of NBC weapons or industrial chemicals or deliberate or accidental contamination with radiological materials. The defensive measures described herein are useful in nuclear environments to the degree that they provide protection against inhalation or ingestion of and skin contact with radioactive debris. This publication does not comprehensively address defense against other nuclear effects—including heat, blast, and direct irradiation. (Note: The terms NBC and CBR defense are synonymous; Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force [AF] use the term NBC defense, and Navy forces use the term CBR defense.) Additionally, US Special Operations Command Publication 3-11, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures [MTTP] for Special Operations Forces in NBC Environments provides information that supplements the TTP provided in this publication. This publication provides commanders and staffs a key reference for the planning and execution of service NBC defense operations. Further, within the overall concept of counterproliferation operations (see Chapter I), this publication focuses on the passive defense component (NBC defense) of counterproliferation. The target audience includes commanders and their staffs, particularly those individuals responsible for NBC defense planning at the operational and tactical level. This includes individuals with responsibilities as commanders and staffs of joint task forces. Commanders have direct responsibility for protecting their forces within an NBC environment. During operations, failure to properly plan and execute NBC defense operations may result in significant casualties, disruption of operations, and even mission failure.

FM 3-11 Rev. 2006


200602-20062.20 MB FM_3-11_MAR2006

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