FM 34-54, ARMY FIELD MANUAL 34-54: TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE (30 JAN 1998)., This field manual provides guidance to commanders and staffs of military intelligence (MI)
and other units responsible for technical intelligence (TECHINT) or having an association with
TECHINT. It provides general guidance and identifies the tactics, techniques, and procedures
(TTP) used in the collection, exploitation, and dissemination of TECHINT in satisfying the
warfighter's requirements.
TECHINT is an integral part of the overall battlefield operating system (BOS) and supports
Army operations through the analysis and exploitation of foreign equipment, weapons, and other
war materiel.
This field manual describes the TECHINT process at all echelons and identifies
responsibilities. It further describes the MI TECHINT organizations, other services, and the
strategic level intelligence agencies supporting the process.
On today's battlefield, Army forces will likely deploy as part of a joint or combined military
operation. For that reason, while this manual supports Army operations, it does so in the context
of Army operations as part of a joint or combined task force.
This field manual applies to all Army personnel, to include Active Component (AC) and
Reserve Components (RC) commanders and their staffs, US Army Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC) Centers and Schools, and MI elements.
The proponent of this publication is US Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca
(USAIC&FH). Send comments and recommendations on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Commander, US Army Intelligence Center
and School, ATTN: ATZS-TDL-D, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-6000.