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ATP 5-19, ARMY TECHNIQUES PUBLICATION: RISK MANAGEMENT (14-APR-2014) [SUPERSEDING FM 5-19]., This publication supersedes FM 5-19, 21 August 2006. ATP 5-19 provides doctrinal guidance on managing risk within the conduct of operations. Administrative risk management (RM) guidance and techniques are in DA Pam 385-30. These two documents are designed to be complimentary, and in tandem, they provide guidance on the implementation of RM throughout the Army. The principal audience for ATP 5-19 is all members of the profession of arms. Commanders, staffs, leaders, Army civilians, and individual Soldiers throughout the Army will use this publication. Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as joint task force or multinational headquarters should also refer to applicable joint or multinational doctrine concerning the range of military operations and joint or multinational forces. Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this publication. Commanders, staffs, and subordinates ensure their decisions and actions comply with applicable U.S., international, and, in some cases, host-nation laws and regulations. Commanders at all levels ensure their Soldiers operate in accordance with the law of war and the rules of engagement. (See FM 27-10.) AR 385-10 implements compliance with appropriate federal law and Department of Defense instructions. It provides administrative policy on Army safety management procedures. The proponent of ATP 5-19 has made every effort to keep this doctrine consistent with AR 385-10 and all appropriate laws, regulations, instructions, and policies. Where Army doctrine differs, the laws, regulations, instructions, and policies take precedence. ATP 5-19 uses joint terms where applicable. Selected joint and Army terms and definitions appear in both the glossary and the text. Terms for which ATP 5-19 is the proponent publication (the authority) are marked with an asterisk (*) in the glossary. Definitions for which ATP 5-19 is the proponent publication are boldfaced in the text. For other definitions shown in the text, the term is italicized and the number of the proponent publication follows the definition. This publication applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and United States Army Reserve unless otherwise stated.

ATP 5-19 Rev. 2014


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